Missionaries We Support
The Stepanek Family with Twin Peaks Bible Camp
Ryan and Robin Stepanek have lived in the Grand Valley most of their lives. God has blessed them with six wonderful children: River, Aspen, Clay, Reed, Canyon, and Bear. Ryan is a graduate of Frontier School of the Bible in LaGrange, Wyoming. Over the years, Ryan has built a successful company as a general contractor, building custom homes. Robin has worked in the community as a Certified ASL Interpreter. In 2015, they were called into youth ministry and are passionate about seeing youth draw closer to God in their daily lives.
As Ryan spent most of the winter/spring of 2019 building three new buildings for Twin Peaks Bible Camp, they faithfully prayed about God’s direction for their family. They were thrilled that God opened the door for them to fill the need as Property Managers at Twin Peaks Bible Camp.
In September 2023, Twin Peaks Bible Camp’s Board of Directors asked Ryan to step into the Director role. His family serves together using all the gifts God has given them.
Pregnancy Center of Grand Junction
The Pregnancy Center of Grand Junction provides free pregnancy services and information on abortion. We educate, support and empower women facing unplanned pregnancies with professional medical care. If you think you may be pregnant or you are considering abortion, we’re here to help! No cost and no insurance.
Call 970-241-7474 or text 970-500-5139 to schedule an appointment today.
UIM Aviation
UIM Aviation provides logistic support to missionaries, Mexican and native pastors, and medical personnel
who are ministering to the isolated tribal people of Mexico.
Jasson and Kim Farmer, with their children are Missionaries in Mexico with United Indian Mission Aviation (UIMA). Jasson flies aircrafts into the heart of Mexico to fly missionaries, Bible translators, doctors, and dentists.
Master Plan Ministries
Master Plan Ministries is a dedicated, non-denominational movement of evangelism, discipleship and leadership development. Based on Biblical principles, it provides the necessary "tools" and resources to meet many of the spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical needs of the individual. The results are an increasing flow of committed, trained, and fruitful Christians that will impact the world by ministering to the needs of the whole person in the name of Jesus Christ.
Year Founded: 1985
Ministry Presence:
* Three growing campus ministries in Grand Junction, Durango, and Alamosa, Colorado
* Two mountain ministry venues near Durango, CO
* MPM Men's ministry
* "Missional Women" women's ministry
* Marriage Ministry
Walton and Bethany Kostreva with MAF
MAF Pilot/Mechanic Family — Serve in Kalimantan, Indonesia
Walton will use aviation in Indonesia to share Christ’s love with isolated people as he transports missionaries and national believers, and delivers much needed supplies, and provides critical medical evacuation flights.
Bethany is a stay-at-home mom raising their sons, William and Jason.
Walton was raised in Grand Junction, Colorado where he received salvation at an early age. While attending short-term mission trips with his parents’ ministry, he saw the need for world missions. He enrolled in Moody Aviation’s missionary aviation program and after graduation, Walton was a flight instructor at Moody Aviation for several years.
Bethany grew up in Olympia, Washington in a strong Christian family. She received salvation around seven years of age. In middle school, she befriended a missionary couple in her church whom God used to ignite a desire to serve in overseas missions. Bethany attended Montana Wilderness School of the Bible where her faith and desire for missions grew. She participated in many local ministries and served on a short-term mission trip to Israel two years after high school.
After Bethany moved to Spokane, she met Walton at church and learned of the opportunity to serve with Mission Aviation Fellowship. They were married in January, 2021 and their son, William, was born in December, 2021 and their son Jason, was born in June of 2023.
Church of Christ Worship Center Churches
(Kenya and Uganda)
Paul Bwire, Peter Bwire Lukoye, Mosel Namaswa, & Joseph Mukuyuni from Eldoret church (A)
Charles Luvanda Tsiruma & Thomas Amimo from Vumillia A church (B)
Alex Omulanga Bwire from Vumillia C church (C)
Herbert Opula & Joseph Simuyu from Maili Nne church (D)
Victor Omollo Chogo from Baraka church (E)
Kaimosi church (7)
Other Ministries We Promote:
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
Mark 16:15