Sunday Mornings
Sunday School: 9:00 AM (Sep. - Nov. and Jan. - Mar.)
Fellowship Time: 9:45 AM
Worship Service: 10:00 AM
Sunday School at 9:00 AM
Sunday School runs for about 12 weeks in the Fall and 12 weeks in the Winter/Spring. So check the calendar to find if we are doing Sunday School at this time.
We have three Sunday School classes for children
Preschool through Kindergarten class
1st grade through 3rd grade class
4th grade through 6th grade class
The children’s classes are going through Year 1 of the Generations of Grace Curriculum.
We also have a Sunday School class for 7th graders through adults.
Fellowship Time at 9:45 AM
Come a few minutes early to enjoy coffee, tea and fellowship with your brothers and sisters at MVBC!
Worship Service at 10:00 AM
Join us for a time of worship through music and teaching.
Our music is geared for all ages including a mix of contemporary and traditional styles.
The Word of God is taught from an expositional style, allowing God's Word to be studied in context.
Children during the Worship Service
Children are welcome to stay with parents during the service.
An infant care room is available at the back of the sanctuary. This room is for mothers and their infant.
Children may be with parents in the foyer, where you can watch the sermon on a monitor.
Nursery is provided for ages infant to 3 years old.
Children's Church is dismissed after the music. If it is a families first time, we ask that the parent walk the child(ren) to children’s church so that the children can be checked in. Then the parent can re-join the service. Our check in process is part of our safety procedures. Parents need to pick up their child after the service.